Sunday, May 15, 2011

ceramah : DARLING...I LOVE U...

ade satu ari 2 aku dgr satu ceramah kat opis gak la ceramah dia....mule2 aku igt yg bg ceramah 2 org pompuan.....dlm hati aku.."hmmmmmm..mesti x best ni..."..rupe2 nye org lelaki yg bg ceramah 2....mmg superb gile la ceramah dia...siap nyanyi2 lagu hindustan lg....jom tgk "ape-ape-aje"

Monday, May 9, 2011

i luv.....JUVANA

korg pernh tgk x drama kat TV3....tajuk nye JUVANA?????pergh...layan gile cite 2...hehehe..suke aku tgk perangai2 bdk2 jahat dlm cite 2....lagi si 'DAIM' 2....nerd jek...hehehhe...pas 2 si 'BLACK'...klakar je....yg paling aku x suke..dh tentu si 'BOTAK' 2....nyampah selalu gak la aku missed cite maklumlah...bnyk keje la still aku suke gak cite 2...lain dr yg lain la....even cite 2 cume kat dlm sekolah ok la....klu korg x prnh tgk...try2 la tgk cite 2....ade bnyk pengajaran yg boleh diambil...lg2 utk anak2 yg nakal2 tu...suruh diorg tgk..biar diorg xnk nakal lg..tkt masuk sekolah jahat...hehehehhe....

Sunday, May 8, 2011


huhuhuhu.....abisla....jahanam aku nyer hard disc....semua file hilang.....yg paling teruk semua cite2 yg aku dh copy dr kawan2 semua nye hilang.....huhuhuh...rase cam nk nangis je...lagi2 cite fav aku "MY GIRL"....abis hilang....2 x kire lg file2 keje...resume2...n gmbr2 family....hancus..hancus....ape la aku nk buat ni?????hhuuuwwwwaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mom's Day...

wish "Happy Mom's Day" to all mother n mother 2 be in this world!!!!!luv n care bout u'r mother as long as they still alive.....don't regret after they gone......I LUV U, MAK!!!!!!thank u so  much for take care of me until i successfully grow up.....

Thursday, May 5, 2011

my girl....

hehheh...bulan ni aku dok layan je cite of my favourite movie is "MY GIRL"..huh,layan la cite 2...aku tgk bnyk kali pn x jemu....

enjoy the video......

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Labor Day 2011

I wish to all employee at Malaysia n all over the world a very HAPPY LABOR DAY....hope u all will work more a very good employee....

Daisypath Anniversary tickers