Friday, December 2, 2011

Rara Zikry meninggal...

Innalillah....2 jek yg boleh   aku ucapkan....takziah utk keluarga arwah Rara Zikry....semoga Allah tempatkan dia dikalangan org yg beriman....beliau meninggal pada pukul 8.30 mlm smlm....

siapa Rara Zikry nie????nama penuh die Zarith Nadhira Binti Mohamad kat Lim Kok Wing...amek course Interior Design...2 jek serba sedikit psl Rara Zikry yg aku tau...tu pn aku bace kat blog2 org....

sedih gak bace kisah die tue....dr sorg yg cantik, sihat...pas tue terus jatuh sakit tiba2....nie ade susulan kisah mcm mane dia blh jatuh sakit....

''On 19th of March 2010, Zarith Nadhira went into coma for 2 months due to a mild asthma. Initially she was admitted at Darul Ehsan Medical Centre Shah Alam, subsequently referred to Subang Jaya Medical Centre, was admitted in ICU. Alhamdulillah she woke up from coma but was unable to speak or communicate with her parents, relatives & friends. She needs to be fed through a tube at her lower abdomen''

2 la serba sikit cite psl Rara Zikry yg aku nk kongsi kan sikit kat korg.....


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