Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

quote of the day

And now, this is the sweetest and most glorious day that ever my eyes did see. - Donald Cargill

Monday, October 29, 2012

quote of the day

The sincere friends of this world are as ship lights in the stormiest of nights. - Giotto di Bondone

Sunday, October 28, 2012

quote of the day

Kindness, I've discovered, is everything in life. - Isaac Bashevis Singer

Friday, October 26, 2012

Aidil Adha 2012

alhamdullillah...kt bertemu lg dgn bulan Zulhijjah lg....bermakna kt masih lg sempat utk berhari raya korban lg....syukur sgt2...

semoga sambutan Aidil Adha kali ini lebih bermakna dan sentiasa membawa keberkatan kepada umat Islam....

quote of the day

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. - Jane Austen

Thursday, October 25, 2012


jodoh..oo...jodoh....hehheheh..sungguh bersemangat sekali aku nk menulis psl jodoh nie....bkn ape, saje je aku nk beri pendapat n kongsi pengalaman aku @ kwn2 aku psl jodoh nie...heheheh.....

igt lg time aku study diploma....time tu mmg aku ade kwn2 yg sgt baik...ktorg 1 rumah, sepanjang 3 thn study same2....sgt bnyk cite suka n duka ktorg kongsi same2...termasuklah cite psl cintan cintun ktorg....klu diingat blk, mesti ktorg tergelak2 smpi skrg...mane x nye...xde sorg pun antara kami yg kawen ngan mamat2 yg ktorg tgh suke time tu...hehhehe....

tue blm kire klu ade member2 aku yg tgh frust menonggeng....lg la sgt....konon2 nye, xde penggantila....xblh lupekan lah....alih2, semua pn kawen ngan org2 lain gak...blh jek...hehehhehe....

tu lah yg aku nk kongsi ngan korg....bercinta nak rak camne pun, klu korg xde JODOH, mmg xkn kawen, klu mmg dh JODOH korg, ssh mcm mane pun, insyaallah....mesti korg bersatu gak....

pd sape2 kat luar sane...klu la korg tgh bersedih sbb putus cinta....jgnlah korg menyerah kalah....selagi blh diusahakan JODOH tu...cube lah sehabis baik...berdoa pd ALLAH bnyk....

n pade sape2 yg x bertemu JODOH same...korg kene cube gak crk...JODOH tu bkn dtg bergolek...kt sendiri yg kene usaha mencariknye....n yg paling penting berdoa pd ALLAH supaya dekatkan JODOH korg....

last sekali pd sape2 yg tgh bahagia dgn pasangan masing2....korg pn semua kene berusaha utk memelihara hubungan korg supaya sentiasa bahagia...dan doa banyk2 pd ALLAH supa alekatkan JODOH korg semua.....amin.......

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Muflis Muda

kebiasaannye kt dgr org2 vateran jek yg jatuh, br2 nie aku ade bace dlm paper psl org2 muda plak yg jatuh bankrupt.....

50 ribu org muda kat Malaysia ni yg jatuh bankrupt pada usia diorg 34 thn....muda lg tu....huhuhuhh..ape la nk jdk...biasenye ke"bankrupt"an diorg tu disebabkan sgt boros berbelanja la....dikelilingi bermacam2 hutang...hutang rumah...hutang kereta...hutang kad kredit....n mcm2 lg la....

sbg org muda, kt sepatutnye lg bijak berbelanja n menggunakan wang yg ada....pikir dulu baik buruk sesuatu perkara yg melibatkan wang....

mmg btl, sape yg xnk nmpk, klu disebabkan nk sgt nmpk kaya n bergaya....akhirnye kt yg jdk papa kedana....sape yg rugi....berbelanjalah mengikut kemampuan sendiri....bnyk agensi2 yg blh memberi nasihat kewangan pd kt...klu kt ni langsung xtau nk manage duit kt....

beringat2 sebelum terkena....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

2012 Grand Prix Motosikal Malaysi

pelumba Malaysia Muhammad Zulfahmi Khairuddin telah mencipta sejarah kerana beliau  menduduki tempat kedua pada 2012 Grand Prix Motosikal Malaysia di Litar Antarabangsa Sepang pada hari Ahad lalu...

congratz....congratz...terror gak org Malaysia ni "merempit" kan....heheheh....

Badminton Terbuka Denmark 2012

sekali lagi...tahniah sgt2 pd Chong Wei sbb mng lg sekaligus meraih gelaran juara utk pertandingan Badminton Terbuka Denmark 2012....sgt2 teruja bile dpt tau DLCW mng lg....hehheheh...

congratz....congratz....nilah news yg kt sgt2 nk dgr...btl x????hehehheh.....

quote of the day

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. - Anne Frank

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Piala Malaysia 2012

Kelantan  mencatat kejuaraan musim ini dengan merangkul Piala Malaysia 2012 setelah menewaskan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) 3-2 di Stadium Shah Alam, malam td.

Sebelum ini, Kelantan yg jugak dikenali sbg TRW menjuarai Liga Super dan Piala FA. Indra Putra Mahayuddin menjadi wira pasukan Kelantan.

Tahniah sekali lg sbb jdk juara Piala Malaysia 2012...hehehhe....gomo kelate gomo......

quote of the day

Happiness depends upon ourselves. - Aristotle

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kamal Affendi Hashim

rasenye semua org kenal dgn Kamal Affendi Hashim....selalu sgt kluar kat tv klu bg talk psl jenayah....selalu gak kt tgk dia kat dlm tv...berlakon sbg polis....knl kan???hehehehe...

arini aku tgk berita, ade berita psl dia sakit....dlm fb dia ade bgtau...." "Dear friends, I have AVM on my left brain. My treatment plan with CyberKnife which will cost RM41,820 were to start on Monday and the surgery on Wednesday but I would have to postpone it as my insurance is not a panel of Beacon Hospital. To make matter more upsetting, my insurance doesn't cover my ilness at all."

Pada sape2 yg nk membantu beliau, blh dermakan ke akaun beliau...harap2 bantuan kt semua dpt meringankan beban mereka sekeluarga.....

quote of the day

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. - Phyllis Diller

Monday, October 8, 2012

quote of the day

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. - Havelock Ellis

Sunday, October 7, 2012

quote of the day

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. - Mother Teresa

Friday, October 5, 2012

quote of the day

Friendship is one mind in two bodies. - Mencius

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hari Binatang Sedunia 2012

hehehhe...cube korg tgk....binatang pn ade hari istimewa diorg...hehehehhe...cute kan???

kat cni aku nk bg sikit info psl terwujudnye hari binatang sedunia nie....

" Hari Binatang Sedunia diperingati setiap tanggal 4 Oktober. Peringatan ini dimulai di FlorenceItalia tahun 1931 pada konvensi para ahli ekologi. Pada tanggal ini, kehidupan binatang di segala jenis bentuk dihargai, & rancangan khusus direncanakan di berbagai lokasi di seluruh dunia. 4 Oktober pada awalnya dipilih sebagai Hari Binatang Sedunia karena pada tanggal itu diadakan pesta perjamuan Francis of Assisi, seorang pecinta alam dan pelindung binatang dan lingkungan....."

hheheheh...tu le serba sedikit info psl asal usul Hari Binatang Sedunia.....

quote of the day

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend. - Plautus

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

quote of the day

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

quote of the day

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan
Daisypath Anniversary tickers