Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kamal Affendi Hashim

rasenye semua org kenal dgn Kamal Affendi Hashim....selalu sgt kluar kat tv klu bg talk psl jenayah....selalu gak kt tgk dia kat dlm tv...berlakon sbg polis....knl kan???hehehehe...

arini aku tgk berita, ade berita psl dia sakit....dlm fb dia ade bgtau...." "Dear friends, I have AVM on my left brain. My treatment plan with CyberKnife which will cost RM41,820 were to start on Monday and the surgery on Wednesday but I would have to postpone it as my insurance is not a panel of Beacon Hospital. To make matter more upsetting, my insurance doesn't cover my ilness at all."

Pada sape2 yg nk membantu beliau, blh dermakan ke akaun beliau...harap2 bantuan kt semua dpt meringankan beban mereka sekeluarga.....


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