Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Saturday, December 1, 2012

delay update....

sori sgt2 sbb aku lameeee...sgt2 x update blog ni...al maklumlah.....tersgtlah sibuk skrg ni....xsempat nk melayan blog2 ni...heheheheh.....dgn masalah kesihatan aku yg x bape serius ni....so, arini le aku sempat utk update blog aku ni.....hehehheh......

Saturday, November 17, 2012

quote of the day

After a storm comes a calm.  - Matthew Henry 

Friday, November 16, 2012

quote of the day...

Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.  - Dalai Lama 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

quote of the day

Let us live for the beauty of our own reality. - Charles Lamb

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

quote of the day

May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live. - Robert A. Heinlein

Deepavali 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

quote of the day

Art ought never to be considered except in its relations with its ideal beauty. - Alfred de Vigny

Sunday, November 11, 2012

quote of the day

For an Impressionist to paint from nature is not to paint the subject, but to realize sensations. - Paul Cezanne

Saturday, November 10, 2012

DLCW's wedding.....

congratulation DLCW for u'r wedding....as u'r no 1 fan....i wish u happy ever after....long lasting marriage....got lot's of kids....still remain player no 1.... 

quote of the day

Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm schizophrenic, and so am I. - Oscar Levant

Friday, November 9, 2012

quote of the day

There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way. - Christopher Morley

Thursday, November 8, 2012

quote of the day

Love takes up where knowledge leaves off. - Thomas Aquinas

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

quote of the day

Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together. - John Ruskin

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

quote of the day

Try to leave the Earth a better place than when you arrived. - Sidney Sheldon

Monday, November 5, 2012

quote of the day

I never drink water. I'm afraid it will become habit-forming. - W. C. Fields

Sunday, November 4, 2012

quote of the day

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst. - William Penn

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Farid & Diana big's day....

congratulation to farid & diana....sbb kan aku ni btl2 minat kat ko la farid...tu sbb aku update gak majlis pernikahan ko yg sgt simple ni...suke sgt2....cpt2 dpt baby yek...hehhehehe...semoga bahagia smpi bila2....amin....

quote of the day

Love him and let him love you. Do you think anything else under heaven really matters? - James A. Baldwin

Friday, November 2, 2012

quote of the day

To send light into the darkness of men's hearts - such is the duty of the artist. - Robert Schumann

Thursday, November 1, 2012

quote of the day

The lake and the mountains have become my landscape, my real world. - Georges Simenon

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

quote of the day

And now, this is the sweetest and most glorious day that ever my eyes did see. - Donald Cargill

Monday, October 29, 2012

quote of the day

The sincere friends of this world are as ship lights in the stormiest of nights. - Giotto di Bondone

Sunday, October 28, 2012

quote of the day

Kindness, I've discovered, is everything in life. - Isaac Bashevis Singer

Friday, October 26, 2012

Aidil Adha 2012

alhamdullillah...kt bertemu lg dgn bulan Zulhijjah lg....bermakna kt masih lg sempat utk berhari raya korban lg....syukur sgt2...

semoga sambutan Aidil Adha kali ini lebih bermakna dan sentiasa membawa keberkatan kepada umat Islam....

quote of the day

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love. - Jane Austen

Thursday, October 25, 2012


jodoh..oo...jodoh....hehheheh..sungguh bersemangat sekali aku nk menulis psl jodoh nie....bkn ape, saje je aku nk beri pendapat n kongsi pengalaman aku @ kwn2 aku psl jodoh nie...heheheh.....

igt lg time aku study diploma....time tu mmg aku ade kwn2 yg sgt baik...ktorg 1 rumah lg....so, sepanjang 3 thn study same2....sgt bnyk cite suka n duka ktorg kongsi same2...termasuklah cite psl cintan cintun ktorg....klu diingat blk, mesti ktorg tergelak2 smpi skrg...mane x nye...xde sorg pun antara kami yg kawen ngan mamat2 yg ktorg tgh suke time tu...hehhehe....

tue blm kire klu ade member2 aku yg tgh frust menonggeng....lg la sgt....konon2 nye, xde penggantila....xblh lupekan lah....alih2, semua pn kawen ngan org2 lain gak...blh jek...hehehhehe....

tu lah yg aku nk kongsi ngan korg....bercinta nak rak camne pun, klu korg xde JODOH, mmg xkn kawen la.....tp, klu mmg dh JODOH korg, ssh mcm mane pun, insyaallah....mesti korg bersatu gak....

pd sape2 kat luar sane...klu la korg tgh bersedih sbb putus cinta....jgnlah korg menyerah kalah....selagi blh diusahakan JODOH tu...cube lah sehabis baik...berdoa pd ALLAH bnyk....

n pade sape2 yg x bertemu JODOH lg....pn same...korg kene cube gak crk...JODOH tu bkn dtg bergolek...kt sendiri yg kene usaha mencariknye....n yg paling penting berdoa pd ALLAH supaya dekatkan JODOH korg....

last sekali pd sape2 yg tgh bahagia dgn pasangan masing2....korg pn semua kene berusaha utk memelihara hubungan korg supaya sentiasa bahagia...dan doa banyk2 pd ALLAH supa alekatkan JODOH korg semua.....amin.......

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Muflis Muda

kebiasaannye kt dgr org2 vateran jek yg jatuh muflis....tp, br2 nie aku ade bace dlm paper psl org2 muda plak yg jatuh bankrupt.....

50 ribu org muda kat Malaysia ni yg jatuh bankrupt pada usia diorg 34 thn....muda lg tu....huhuhuhh..ape la nk jdk...biasenye ke"bankrupt"an diorg tu disebabkan sgt boros berbelanja la....dikelilingi bermacam2 hutang...hutang rumah...hutang kereta...hutang kad kredit....n mcm2 lg la....

sbg org muda, kt sepatutnye lg bijak berbelanja n menggunakan wang yg ada....pikir dulu baik buruk sesuatu perkara yg melibatkan wang....

mmg btl, sape yg xnk nmpk bergaya....tp, klu disebabkan nk sgt nmpk kaya n bergaya....akhirnye kt yg jdk papa kedana....sape yg rugi....berbelanjalah mengikut kemampuan sendiri....bnyk agensi2 yg blh memberi nasihat kewangan pd kt...klu kt ni langsung xtau nk manage duit kt....

beringat2 sebelum terkena....

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

2012 Grand Prix Motosikal Malaysi

pelumba Malaysia Muhammad Zulfahmi Khairuddin telah mencipta sejarah kerana beliau  menduduki tempat kedua pada 2012 Grand Prix Motosikal Malaysia di Litar Antarabangsa Sepang pada hari Ahad lalu...

congratz....congratz...terror gak org Malaysia ni "merempit" kan....heheheh....

Badminton Terbuka Denmark 2012

sekali lagi...tahniah sgt2 pd Chong Wei sbb mng lg sekaligus meraih gelaran juara utk pertandingan Badminton Terbuka Denmark 2012....sgt2 teruja bile dpt tau DLCW mng lg....hehheheh...

congratz....congratz....nilah news yg kt sgt2 nk dgr...btl x????hehehheh.....

quote of the day

Whoever is happy will make others happy too. - Anne Frank

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Piala Malaysia 2012

Kelantan  mencatat kejuaraan musim ini dengan merangkul Piala Malaysia 2012 setelah menewaskan Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM) 3-2 di Stadium Shah Alam, malam td.

Sebelum ini, Kelantan yg jugak dikenali sbg TRW menjuarai Liga Super dan Piala FA. Indra Putra Mahayuddin menjadi wira pasukan Kelantan.

Tahniah sekali lg sbb jdk juara Piala Malaysia 2012...hehehhe....gomo kelate gomo......

quote of the day

Happiness depends upon ourselves. - Aristotle

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Kamal Affendi Hashim

rasenye semua org kenal dgn Kamal Affendi Hashim....selalu sgt kluar kat tv klu bg talk psl jenayah....selalu gak kt tgk dia kat dlm tv...berlakon sbg polis....knl kan???hehehehe...

arini aku tgk berita, ade berita psl dia sakit....dlm fb dia ade bgtau...." "Dear friends, I have AVM on my left brain. My treatment plan with CyberKnife which will cost RM41,820 were to start on Monday and the surgery on Wednesday but I would have to postpone it as my insurance is not a panel of Beacon Hospital. To make matter more upsetting, my insurance doesn't cover my ilness at all."

Pada sape2 yg nk membantu beliau, blh dermakan ke akaun beliau...harap2 bantuan kt semua dpt meringankan beban mereka sekeluarga.....

quote of the day

A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. - Phyllis Diller

Monday, October 8, 2012

quote of the day

All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. - Havelock Ellis

Sunday, October 7, 2012

quote of the day

If you can't feed a hundred people, then feed just one. - Mother Teresa

Friday, October 5, 2012

quote of the day

Friendship is one mind in two bodies. - Mencius

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Hari Binatang Sedunia 2012

hehehhe...cube korg tgk....binatang pn ade hari istimewa diorg...hehehehhe...cute kan???

kat cni aku nk bg sikit info psl terwujudnye hari binatang sedunia nie....

" Hari Binatang Sedunia diperingati setiap tanggal 4 Oktober. Peringatan ini dimulai di FlorenceItalia tahun 1931 pada konvensi para ahli ekologi. Pada tanggal ini, kehidupan binatang di segala jenis bentuk dihargai, & rancangan khusus direncanakan di berbagai lokasi di seluruh dunia. 4 Oktober pada awalnya dipilih sebagai Hari Binatang Sedunia karena pada tanggal itu diadakan pesta perjamuan Francis of Assisi, seorang pecinta alam dan pelindung binatang dan lingkungan....."

hheheheh...tu le serba sedikit info psl asal usul Hari Binatang Sedunia.....

quote of the day

Nothing but heaven itself is better than a friend who is really a friend. - Plautus

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

quote of the day

Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

quote of the day

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan

Saturday, September 29, 2012

BUDGET 2013...

huhuhuh...sape yg dok dgr psl budget 2013 ari Jumaat aritu????amacam???best ke???maybe ade part yg kt suke dgr...and lagi bnyk part yg kt x suke dgr......btl x???hehehheh...

whatever pn....kt sbg rakyat Malaysia kenelah bnyk2 bersabar....klu nk dgr komen2 org nie, mmg x terdgr la....klu tanye org yg keje gomen...diorg mesti kate org keje swasta dengki kat diorgla....klu tanye opinion org keje swasta plak...mesti diorg dok kutuk2, apsal org gomen jek yg dpt bonus....btl x????

bnd mcm ni mmg xkn abis....tiap2 thn bnd yg same mesti jdk...korg semua x bosan ke....blm ape2 lg, korg dh start berpecah belah....semuanye gara2 budget 2013.....huhuhuh....

masing2 blh pikir sendiri baik n buruk sesuatu perkara....

quote of the day

Wherever you are - be all there. - Jim Elliot

Friday, September 28, 2012

quote of the day

We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from life. - William Osler

Thursday, September 27, 2012

quote of the day

Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. - William S. Burroughs

Monday, September 24, 2012

quote of the day

The way up and the way down are one and the same. - Heraclitus


aku rase semua org dh pernah dgr psl LEGOLAND kat Malaysia kan????tempat yg sgt best utk bwk anak2 mkn angin time2 cuti sekolah....

kat cni ade sikit info psl LEGOLAND Malaysia....LEGOLAND Malaysia dibuka pd 15 Sept 2012...bermacam2 bnd yg ade kat sane dibuat menggunakan lego....korg tau ke lego tu ape????mase kecik2 kan korg pernh main lego....lego tu lah yg diorg buat mcm2 kat cni....

Terdapat gak kedai2 n aktiviti2 menarik yg diorg jalankan kat sane...tempat2 yg korg dpt lawati pn sgt2 best...kirenye mmg x rugila klu korg ke sane....maybe ticket nk msk LEGOLAND Malaysia tu agak mahal...tp, aku rase sgt berbaloi ngan ape yg bakal kt alami...hehehehhe...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Badminton : Japan Open 2012

finally, DLCW mng lagi...hehehhe....maybe sbb Lin Dan x de kot.....whatever pn, congratz to DLCW diatas kejayaan beliau nie.....


quote of the day

When a thing is done, it's done. Don't look back. Look forward to your next objective. - George C. Marshall

Saturday, September 22, 2012

quote of the day

Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get. - George Bernard Shaw

Friday, September 21, 2012

quote of the day

Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness. - Zhuangzi

Sunday, September 16, 2012

berakhirnye Syawal...

hari ni genaplah 29 hari kt beraya...huhuhu...make sgt penuhla jemputan open house yg nk kene pg arini...btl x????almaklumlah.....kebetulan jugak cuti hari Malaysia....mesti ramai yg ambil peluang ni...

xpe2...pade yg x sempat nk buat open house utk raya thn nie...thn dpn ade lg...buat pulak thn depan...hehheheh...klu x raya pn blh je nk ajak kwn2 & sedara mara dtg umah...kan????

anyway, semoga Ramadhan & Syawal kt utk thn nie mendapat keberkatan ALLAH SWT....

Malaysia Day - 16 Sept

Saturday, September 15, 2012

pindah rumah

huhuhuhu...sejak dua menjak ni aku mmg le sgt2 sibuk.....mane xnye....bz bebenor sbb nk pindah umah br...hehehheh...excited ade..penat sgt2 pn ade...

mane nk pikir kemas dr umah lame...pas tu nak pikir utk kemas kat umah br...huhuhuhu....x ckp kakitang rasenye....nasib ade kakak n abg yg bnyk membantu...anak2 sedara pn bz gak sekali menolong...

even x dela bnyk sgt brg yg nk dipindahkan....tp, aku rase tetap letih...smpi arini pn rase mcm x abis lg kemas....huhuhuh....

whatever pun...hope rumah br ni akan membuat kami sekeluarga lebih happy n selesa....amiiinnn....home sweet home...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Duke dan Duchess of Cambridge

heheheh..sgt2 teruja nk tulis cite psl kate middleton ngan si william nie....hehehhe....yelah...bkn sng nk tau spl cite diorg ni melainkan kt ni org London.....

diorg ni buat lawatan ke Malaysia bermula hari nie....mesti best klu dpt amek gmbr diorg secara live....diorg akan berada di Malaysia selama 4 hari....bermacam2 tempat kan diorg dibawa melawat....

diorg nie dlm rangka jelajah 9 hari ke Asia Tenggara & Malaysia tlh menjadi tmpt kedua selepas diorg g Singapura...diorg gak mewakili nenek diorg, Queen Elizabeth yg bakkal menyambut jubli intan pemerintahannye yg ke 60 as a QUEEN......

hope diorg pn sgt2 suke ngan negara kt nie....

quote of the day

Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

quote of the day

A man's action is only a picture book of his creed. - Arthur Helps

Monday, September 10, 2012

quote of the day

Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness. - H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

quote of the day

Worry is interest paid on trouble before it comes due. - William Ralph Inge

Saturday, September 8, 2012

quote of the day

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. - William Shakespeare

Friday, September 7, 2012

quote of the day

History is a gallery of pictures in which there are few originals and many copies. - Alexis de Tocqueville

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Menjelang Hari Raya....

bile dh dekat2 nak raye nie mmg x terasa lapar pun bile puase....mcm2 persiapan kt nk buat...bz membuat smpi x terasa lapar....jap je dh nk buka...btl x???

tue blom lg kt g shopping raya....xde langsung mengeluh lapar n dahaga...kan???kan????betapa syoknye kt nk beraya....anak2 punye persiapan, tp...mak ayah yg lg over ....

whatever pn jgn smpi amal ibadah di bualan Ramadhan nie pn kt abaikan sbb dok sibuk je nk buat preparation nak raya....kan???

Thursday, August 9, 2012

quote of the day

Learn to... be what you are, and learn to resign with a good grace all that you are not. - Henri Frederic Amiel

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

free BR

heheheh...mlm td punye la happy semua rakyat Malaysia sbb dpt mkn aiskrim free...btl x????aiskrim Baskin Robin pak tue....

Baskin Robin tlh belanja semua rakyat Malaysia aiskrim diorg sbb semangat rakyat Malaysia menyokong atlet2 Malaysia yg beraksi di Olimpik London 2012...mula beratur dr pukul 8 pm - 10 pm je.....punyelah panjang kene beratur utk dpt aiskrim free tue....

anyway, pd sape2 yg dok beratur utk dpt aiskrim free tue, korg rase2 berbaloi ke aiskrim yg korg dpt dgn penat beratur korg tue...hikhikhik...aku dgr smpi jem2 semua kedai2 BR satu Malaysia nie...btl ke????

quote of the day

Everything has been figured out, except how to live. - Jean-Paul Sartre

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

quote of the day

There are no facts, only interpretations. - Friedrich Nietzsche

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Congratz DLCW...

tahniah pd DLCW & semua rakyat Malaysia yg sokong DLCW mlm td....even DLCW x dpt pingat emas....tp, kami semua tetap bangga ngan kamu...hehheheh....yg penting...xdelah kalah teruk...kire sengit jugaklah....

anyway, thanks to DLCW sbb dpt menang pingat perak utk Olimpik London 2012....

Sunday, July 29, 2012

quote of the day

I attribute my success to this - I never gave or took any excuse. - Florence Nightingale 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

quote of the day

Love is trembling happiness. - Khalil Gibran 

London 2012 Olympics

London telah menjadi tuan rumah utk sukan Olimpik thn nie.....tahnaih pd London....semoga menjadi tuan rumah sukan Olimpik yg terbaik...

sukan Olimpik 2102 di London bermula pd 27/7/2012 - 12/8/2012.....mcm manelah atlet Muslim yg berpuasa kat sane nk perform????hope xdelah diorg smpi ponteng puase....kan....

anyway, good luck utksemua  atlet Malaysia yg bertanding di London....majulah sukan utk negara...

Friday, July 27, 2012

quote of the day

Please all, and you will please none. - Aesop

Thursday, July 26, 2012

quote of the day

Of all the home remedies, a good wife is best. - Kin Hubbard

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

kereta & keje...

pernah x korg g interview keje, then time interview tu diorg tanye korg ade transport sendiri x????(nie interview keje selain despatchla....)pernah x????

ni aku nk story psl experience adik aku interview keje....nk mntk keje jdk QS je....dh le adik aku tue br fresh graduate...bkn nye pernh keje....klu ikut experience keje tu mmg zero la..nk harapkan experience time practial dulu adelah sikit2....

then nk dijadikkan cite....diorg blh tanye dia ade x transport sendiri....mase aku dgr cite die tue mmg aku pelik sgt2...xkn company diorg x de kereta company....pas 2, xkan diorg ni kene g site sorg2....mesti ke org br je nk keje fresh graduate kene ade transport sendiri, baru blh dpt keje....

aku tgk org2 kat kl nie keje ramai2 naik lrt jek....xkan la dlm ramai2 tue xde yg keje kene g site....abis tue diorg2 tue semua yg kene g site naik ape klu diorg g keje naik lrt????pelik...mmg pelik...@ aku yg x ikut perkembangan semasa....mcm x logik pn ade bile aku pikir2 blk.....mcm mane diorg blh expect, semua org ade transport sendiri..... 

quote of the day

Be yourself. The world worships the original. - Ingrid Bergman

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

quote of the day

A teacher is a person who never says anything once. - Howard Nemerov

how to complete QURAN in Ramadhan...

The Quran has 600 pages approx...if u divide it on 30 days that's 20 pages a day...u see that's difficult to do, right???but, if u divide it on the 5 prayers it gets easier:

if u read 4 pages after salah in Ramadhan , then u've completed the Quran
if u want to complete the Quran twice, u read 4 pages before & after every salah

i'm right????

Monday, July 23, 2012

quote of the day

A thing well done is worth doing. - Hugh Leonard

Sunday, July 22, 2012

quote of the day

It is not to be expected that human nature will change in a day. - Frank B. Kellogg

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

haram ke handphone???

pernah x korg terdgr yg negara Pakistan tlh mengHARAMkan penggunaan handphone dlm meeting2 diorng.....diorng bimbangan akan berlakunye kebocoran maklumat @ rahsia....negara diorg mmg perlu sgt berhati2...dgr cite gak, klu diorg ade pakai jgk, kmungkinan diorg akn diberhentikn kerja....

aku xleh imagine klu kat negara M'sia nie buat mcm tue....yelahkan, handphone kan skrg nie dh jdk bnd wajib yg kt semua kene ade....btl x???so, camne plak klu diharamkan pki....sdgkan tertinggal handphone kat umah pun, dh mcm org hilang anak, inikan xblh nk pki.....ntah mcm mane agaknye....heheheh....

anyway, maybe ade baik @ buruknye klu negara kt pun follow law x pki handphone dlm meeting mcm kat negara Pakistan...bknnye diharamkan pki handphone bile2 mase....time meeting je pun....rase2nye, korg setuju ke?????klu Malaysia  buat mcm tue.....hehehhe....

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Kawen & jimat

ermmm..btl ke org kate klu kt dah kawen, bnyk bnd yg kt buleh jimat.....pade aku lah...mmg btl sgt la ape yg org kate tue....btl x????

cthnye, klu masih bujang, asyik nk mkn kat kedai jek...yelah, xkan plak nk ajak dtg umah mkn....btl x????same goes to klu berdating + kluar jln2....paling2 pun mesti ade kene kluar kan duit RM50...klu dh kawen, tentu lah blh spend time kat umah jek....btl x???

so, dr situ jek kt dh nmpk, bape bnyk duit kt abis...tue blm lagi bil telefon, duit minyak kate & mcm2 lagilah....sng cite, kawen jek cpt2...lg sng....dlm mase kate nk kumpul duit tue, tanpe korg sedar, lg bnyk yg korg dh belanjakan....btl x????

Monday, July 9, 2012

quote of the day

Wonder rather than doubt is the root of all knowledge. - Abraham Joshua Heschel

Sunday, July 8, 2012

quote of the day

A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds. - Francis Bacon

Saturday, July 7, 2012

quote of the day

Habit is a cable; we weave a thread of it each day, and at last we cannot break it. - Horace Mann

Friday, July 6, 2012

SUKMA 2012

thn nie SUKMA 2012 menjadikkan Pahang sbg tuan rumah...tahniah pd negeri Pahang sbb berjaya menjadi tuan rumah utk SUKMA kali nie....SUKMA thn nie akan berlangsung dr 6/7/2012 - 12/7/2012...Pahang jugak menjadikkan Gajah sbg maskot diorg....

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

quote of the day

Responsibility is the price of freedom. - Elbert Hubbard

Nisfu Syaaban

Malam Nisfu Syaaban (15 Syaaban 1433 Hijrah) Jatuh ketika Masuknya Waktu Maghrib Pada Hari Rabu (mlm Khamis) 4 Julai 2012.

Pada mlm Nisfu Syaaban,amalan akan dibawa naik oleh Malaikat utk ditukar dgn lembaran amalan yg baru setelah setahun berlalu.

Pengertian am Nisfu Syaaban dlm bahasa Arab bererti setengah. Nisfu Syaaban bererti setengah bulan Syaaban. Mlm Nisfu Syaaban adalah mlm 15 Syaaban... iaitu siangnya 14hb Syaaban.

Mlm Nisfu Syaaban merupakan mlm yg penuh berkat & rahmat selepas mlm Lailatul Qadar.

Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. meriwayatkan bahwa Nabi tidak tidur pada mlm itu sebagaimana yg tersebut dlm sebuah Hadis yg diriwayatkan oleh Imam Al-Baihaqi r.a:

Rasulullah SAW telah bangun pada mlm (Nisfu Syaaban) & berSolat & sungguh lama sujudnya sehingga aku fikir beliau telah wafat. Apabila aku melihat demikian aku mencuit ibu jari kaki Baginda SAW & bergerak. Kemudian aku kembali & aku dgr Baginda berkata dlm sujudnya, “Ya Allah aku pohonkan kemaafanMu drpd apa yg akan diturunkan & aku pohonkan keredhaanMu drpd kemurkaanMu & aku berlindung kpdMu drpdMu. Aku tidak dpt menghitung pujian terhadapMu seperti kamu memuji diriMu sendiri.”

Setelah Baginda selesai solat, Baginda berkata kpd Aisyah r.a.

“Mlm ini adalah mlm Nisfu Syaaban. Sesungguhnya Allah Azzawajjala telah dtg kpd hambanya pd mlm Nisfu Syaaban & memberi keampunan kpd mereka yg beristighfar, memberi rahmat ke atas mereka yg memberi rahmat (membuat amal makhruf & nahi munkar) & melambatkan rahmat & keampunan terhadap org2 yg dengki.”

Nisfu Syaaban adalah hari dimana buku catatan amalan kita selama setahun diangkat ke langit & diganti dgn buku catatan yg baru. Catatan pertama yg akan dicatatkan dibuku yg baru akan bermula sebaik sahaja masuk waktu Maghrib, (15 Syaaban bermula pada 14 haribulan Syaaban sebaik sahaja masuk waktu Solat MaghriB)

Nabi s.a.w. menggalakkan umatnya utk bangun mlm & berjaga serta beriktikaf sepanjang mlm kerana tidak mahu amalan diangkat dlm keadaan tidur atau lalai.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

quote of the day

At times I think and at times I am. - Paul Valery

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Congratz, Irma...

congratz...congratz...to irma hasmie & redza....semoga perkahwinan kalian berpanjangan & bahagia selama2 nye...hehheeh...

happy je tgk gmbr2 kawen korg....cantik plak tue....sape sangka jodoh korg bermula dia dpn Kaabah....very interesting kan????

anyway, selamat pengantin baru....

Spain the Champion

akhirnye.....berakhir sudah EURO 2012 dgn SPAIN sbg juara......mmg aku dh jangka time game ITALY vs SPAIN mlm td...mase separuh mase pertama lg...aku dh rase mcm SPAIN yg mng...bkn xnk kecoh2 dlm fb..tkt nnt over confident la pulak....hehehehh...

anyway, tahniah pade team SPAIN & penyokong2 nye...heheheh...(akulah tue...)...paling penting pade TORRES yg power giler.....and x lupe, pd IKER CASILAS yg sgt terror meyelamatkan gawang gol SPAIN...hehehhehe.....

hope kt dpt jmp lg utk EURO 2016 nnt....insyaallah....

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

quote of the day

Be sure your wisest words are those you do not say. - Robert W. Service

Monday, June 25, 2012

quote of the day

As knowledge increases, wonder deepens. - Charles Morgan

Sunday, June 24, 2012

jiran yg "LAGI BAIK"

korg ade jiran kan????jiran korg baik @ "sgt baik"????huhuhuh....ape yg korg buat klu ade jiran yg baik????bagaimane plak korg layan jiran2 korg yg baik tue????korg layan baik jugak@ korg layan "lagi baik"????hehehhe...

mesti korg tau kan ape maksud aku jiran yg "lagi baik" tue....aku xnklah mention kat dlm blog aku psl jiran yg x baik....heheheh...so aku tukar pade perkataan jiran yg "lagi baik"...heheheh...faham2 sendirilah...

klu nk jdk jiran yg baik, bkn ssh pun...saling tegur menegur...n xdelah nk menyusahkan jiran yg lain....klu korg buat mcm tue je pn dh dikira korg jiran yg baik...

tp, utk jdk jiran yg "lagi mbaik" pn lllaaagggiiii senang....korg cube je carik psl ngan jiran2 yg lain...conform korg jdk jiran yg "lagi baik"....klu ckp pn nak best jek...ckp ko je yg btl....tuan umah pn x blh nak ckp ape...mmg ko boleh sgt2 jdk jiran yg "lagi baik"....& juga manusia yg "BAIK"....

cube2 lah jdk manusia yg berperangai seperti manusia yg lain...even ko tue lg tua dr jiran2 ko...x bermakne ko tue btl....ko tue pandai....pandai2lah berfikir....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

quote of the day

Those that are the loudest in their threats are the weakest in their actions. - Charles Caleb Colton

Friday, June 22, 2012

quote of the day

I'm not a genius. I'm just a tremendous bundle of experience. - R. Buckminster Fuller

Thursday, June 21, 2012

quote of the day

What is important in life is life, and not the result of life. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

quote of the day

We are the hero of our own story. - Mary McCarthy

Monday, June 18, 2012

quote of the day

Dreams are necessary to life. - Anais Nin

Saturday, June 16, 2012

quote of the day

The less you talk, the more you're listened to. - Abigail Van Buren

Friday, June 15, 2012

quote of the day

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. - Mother Teresa


arini aku nak post psl 1 software yg sgt2 berguna pd kt.....name dia TeamViewer...software nie mmg sgt cool...hehehhe...aku pernah gune & TeamViewer nie mmg sgt mudah nk gune pakai....so, kat sini ade serba sedikit info psl TeamViewer...

TeamViewer adalah hak milik pakej perisian komputer untuk kawalan jauh, perkongsian desktop, mesyuarat secara online, persidangan web dan pemindahan fail antara komputer. Perisian beroperasi dengan Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, IOS, dan Android sistem operasi. Ia adalah mungkin untuk mengakses mesin berjalan TeamViewer dengan pelayar web. Walaupun fokus utama permohonan itu adalah alat kawalan jauh komputer, ciri-ciri kerjasama dan pembentangan dimasukkan. TeamViewer GmbH ditubuhkan pada tahun 2005 di Uhingen, Jerman.

Developer(s)TeamViewer GmbH
Stable release
7.0.405  (April 16, 2012; 58 days ago)
7.0.9413  (February 8, 2012; 4 months ago)
7.0.9348  (March 28, 2012; 2 months ago)
Mac OS X
7.0.11067  (April 11, 2012; 2 months ago)
7.0.12979  (March 19, 2012; 2 months ago) [±]
Operating systemWindows, Mac OS X,Linux, iOS, Android
Available inMultilingual
TypeRemote administrationsoftware, Web conferencing
LicenseProprietary, free for private usage

utk maklumat lebih lanjut http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx

Thursday, June 14, 2012

quote of the day

A woman can be anything the man who loves her would have her be. - James M. Barrie


maybe aku sedikit ketinggalan psl VLOG @ Video Blogging.....ni pun sbb ade drama kat TV9 yg tajuk citenye "cinta vlog"...so, aku search la kat mr google....btl ke ade vlog nie....

rupe2 nye mmg btl ade....so, kat cni br aku tau lg sng klu gune vlog nie bg org yg mmg nk semua pembaca blog dia knl ngan dia....tp, pd blogger2 yg x mau dikenali......mesti diorg x prefer vlog nie....kan?????hehehehh......@ pun blogger2 yg pemalu mcm aku nie...hehehheh...lg la xnak......

anyway, kat cni ade sikit info yg aku jmp psl vlog nie....

Video-Blogging, @ dipanggil vlogging (disebut Vlogging, bukan V-logging), @ vidblogging, merupakan suatu bentuk kegiatan blogging dengan menggunakan medium video di atas penggunaan teks atau audio sebagai sumber media utama. Berbagai alat seperti ponsel berkamera, kamera digital yang blh merakam video, atau kamera murah yang dilengkapi dengan mikrofon merupakan modal yang mudah untuk melakukan aktiviti video blogging.
Video blogging masih dapat disebut sebagai bentuk lain dari tv internet. Video blogging biasanya ada juga yang dilengkapi dengan keterangan teks atau gambar foto, serta untuk beberapa video blogging, menggabungkan metadata.
Video blogging sendiri dapat dibuat dalam bentuk rekaman satu gambar atau rekaman yang dipotong ke beberapa bagian. Dengan alat yang tersedia, seseorang dapat menyunting video yang mereka buat dan memadukannya dengan audio, serta menggabungkan beberapa rekaman ke dalam satu gambar, sehingga menjadi suatu rekaman video blogging yang padu.
Video blogging juga memanfaatkan keunggulan dari web syndication, ia dapat mendistribusikan dirinya di internet dengan menggunakan format penyesuaian (sindikasi), baik dengan RSS maupun Atom, untuk pemutaran ulang dan agregasi otomatis pada perangkat mobile dan Personal Computer.

young millionaires....

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

quote of the day

All life is a manifestation of the spirit, the manifestation of love. - Morihei Ueshiba

nasihat ku...

mmg btl alam perkahwinan nie, penuh dgn pencaroba....tp, pade aku itu suatu pengalaman...kt akan sentiase dlm process learning sepanjang perkahwinan kite....ade jek pengalaman br yg akan kt tempuh....oleh itu kesabaran lah yg paling penting sekali...

diam x bererti kt kalah....& dia x bererti si dia btl.....dlm remahtangga mesti ade pergaduhan....pergaduhan itu akan berhenti bile salah seorg dr pasangan berdiam shj....diam saje yg dpt mematikan pergaduhan tue....aku pernh dgr ade sorg ustaz tu ckp, x slah klu kt cume diam jek klu bergaduh suami isteri....mungkin tue je jalan terbaik, sblm pergaduhan jdk lebih besar....

& lagi 1, klu kt marahkan pasangan kt disebabkan 1 jek sbbnye, igtkan tentang kebaikkan2 yg pernh dia buat utk kt sblm2 nie...mesti ade kan????so, tue je lah care utk kt x memanjangkan pergaduhan sumai isteri....biaselah suami isteri...sdgkan lidah lagi tergigit....kan?????

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

quote of the day

Sometimes love is stronger than a man's convictions. - Isaac Bashevis Singer

dulu & skrg....

saje je nk share cite nie ngan korg.....hehehehh...dulu & skrg.....dulu, time aku sekolah, mmg aku paling kecik diantara terkecik la...heheheh...tp, abis jek aku from 3, aku dpt msk hostel....nk dijadikkan cite, berat aku makin la mendaka2 naik nye....smpi aku naik segan nk pki baju2 aku yg dulu....so, aku pki baju yg bsr2 jek...huhuhuh...pernah le ade member gtau aku, klu ko badan dh tembam, jgnle pki baju bsr2...lagi lah nmpk ko tembam.....

tp, xkna le aku nk pki baju yg kecik2 plak...huhuhuh...kirenye, klu beli baju tue, aku mmg amek saiz L je la....hehehehhe....bile abis sekolah, aku smbg diploma, aku x perasan plak bdn aku dh mcm mane, maybe sbb aku bz sgt study kot...hehheheh...

time keje plak, br berat bdn aku turun sikit...yelah...aku keje kuat la katekan...angkat brg berat2...ari2 plak tue...dh mcm exercise plak.....mkn plak 4 kali sehari, yg peliknye, bdn aku x naik2....maybe sbb dh cover ngan angkat brg yg berat2 tue kot....lg ketara berat bdn aku dh turun, bile aku fitting baju nak kawen....asyik dok kene kecikkan jek...heheheh..smpi la mak aku naik bising..x kasik aku fitting lg baju kawen...heheheheh...

& now, lps 4 thn kawen, alhamduliilah.....bdn aku still maintain jek...xde naik2...even dh anak 2....heheheh....maybe sbb aku penat kejar anak2 yg tersangat lah aktifnye kot....hehhehe.....
Daisypath Anniversary tickers