Wednesday, May 30, 2012


arini aku nk suggest kan ibu bapa utk bwk anak2 korg g mengisi masa cuti anak2 korg...kat Malaysia ni aje ade mcm2 tmpt yg korg boleh bawak anak2 korg g....

& kebanyakkan nye bkn hanaye utk seronok2 je....ade jugak tmpt2 yg menyeronokkan & pembelajaran...cthnye, KidZania....

Lokasinye di Mutiara Damansara, Kuala Lumpur....klu tau nk ke IKEA, korg mesti blh jmp nye...hehehehhe....

What is KidZania –The City of Kids?
lt is an educational & entertainment centre for kids. It is also the first centre of its kind to offer kids from all over the world activities based on the oldest known game: Playing grown-ups

Opening Hours:

Monday - Friday
Single Session                             10 a.m - 5 p.m

Saturday, Sunday, Public & School Holidays
Morning Session                        10 a.m - 3 p.m
Afternoon Session                      4 p.m - 9 p.m

Fee Structure:
Age: 0 - 1                              FREE
Age: 2 - 3                              RM 35
Age: 4 - 17                            RM 55 (Malaysian)
Age: 4 - 17                            RM 75 (International)
Age: 18 - 59                         RM 35 (Malaysian)
Age: 18 - 59                         RM 50 (international)
Age: 60+                               RM 30

utk keterangan lanjut mengenai KidZania, korg blh msk je website KidZania


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